Vacci-Mates Lager

Vacci-Mates Lager

A few weeks ago we teased an upcoming can release to spark further conversations around vaccines, and encourage those (tempt with beer) who are one the fence (or on the couch) to get vaccinated. It received awesome feedback, with only a handful of complaints, which by our standards is the green light to go.
Vacci-Mates Lager

Vacci-mates lager

4 October, 2021

A few weeks ago we teased an upcoming can release to spark further conversations around vaccines, and encourage those (tempt with beer) who are one the fence (or on the couch) to get vaccinated. It received awesome feedback, with only a handful of complaints, which by our standards is the green light to go.

Vacci-Mates Lager

And after the events of the last couple of days here in the Waikato, we need this message out there now more than ever. 

We understand and respect that not everyone’s able to get a COVID-19 vaccine, but for those who can, we encourage them to do so. We’ve all heard the news, so it doesn’t need repeating. That being said, we’re standing by it because we believe that vaccines are a sure fire way to re-opening our much loved hospitality and events industry. And if you can reward yourself for your good deeds with a cold beer, that's even better.

Summer is on our doorstep, let’s not spend it indoors. It’s time to roll up your sleeves, take two for the team and help make sure our nation's beloved restaurants, cafes and venues don’t have to endure any more lockdowns. Here’s to getting rid of one massive prick with two little pricks of your own. Encourage your mates to vaccinate! 


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